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Captain’s Blog

By March 26, 2018March 4th, 2024No Comments


Numbers drawn  235




Well Ladies and Gentlemen fellow members of South Kyme, I have arrived at week 52 of my Captains draw, as you can see there were no jackpot winners again this week so £439 will go Forward to the incoming Captain Duncan Bustin for his first draw.

It has not been such a lucrative year for my fund because of the extreme weather we have suffered this Winter, however I would like to take this my final opportunity to Thank you all for supporting my Captains draw which in total amassed £1631, which I can assure along with other moneys that I made from my Captains drive, raffle, and donations, all that money I will be putting forward into improving our course.

I hope that incoming Captain will fair better weather wise and that you will support him as much as you have supported me.

Thank you all once again, Arri Vederci and Happy golfing.

Captain Zammo of the Star ship South Kyme over and out.




Numbers drawn  934





Good evening dear fellow members, afraid the weather has once again put a big stop to our golfing program and also to my captains draw. As you can see there was no numbers drawn last week due to the course being closed all week, but although the weather is still well against us I could not justify not the numbers this week.

As you can see there were no winners and it’s not long now in fact only one more week for me, before you will have Mr Bustin after your money.

I will leave it there this week the weather is looking a little bit more promising so lets hope that we can play some golf next week.


Numbers drawn  3 9 6






Hello fellow SKGC members, as you can see no jackpot winners again today and one consolation prize of £12 and that goes to Tony Warburton, well done Tony.

The weather once again has got the better of us having to once again postpone the Christmas Cracker and the trophies presentation, I have to say with good reason too. I walked the course today with incoming Captain Duncan Bustin,  I have never seen as much water on the course as there is at present, and when you see the amount of rain we have had in the last 3 days (2.5 inches in 3 days) it comes with no surprise.

All the ponds are full to the top, most of the dykes that drain the water away are full to the top too, water is draining away but it will take some time before we see any favourable changes and the lowering of the levels.

I know it’s of no consolation to say we are not the only ones suffering, this amount of rain over the last 5 months is unprecedented, so we need to be patient and hope for better times ahead.

Take care my friends and hope to see you next week.


Numbers drawn  573







Good  evening fellow members of SKGC as you can see from the above there was no jackpot winner again this week, but there were 3 consolation winners each winning a hefty prize of £7 , these lucky winners were Sorriya ( probably spelled wrong, if it is my apologies) from the Ladies section, Alan Wells and John Pearce,

At long last the weather has been kind to us so we were able to play our February Medal on all 18 holes and all 18 greens, a very good score form of Net 68 for the overall winner Paul Smith, narrowly beating Simon Fawkes of Div 3 by 1 point, well done Simon and also a mention to the winner of Div 2 Andy Hunt beating Alan Wells on countback with a net score of 71.

See you all on Sunday the 11th, where we are hoping to re schedule our Christmas Cracker and presentation day, fingers crossed the weather will be kind to us.

Addios for now.








Numbers drawn  0 7 2



Good evening Ladies and gentlemen, at long last we are able to play some golf, I know that we still have some temporary greens and a very short hole on the 18th, but at least we are playing and we got to be thankful for that.

Today we had the Daily Mail foursomes with quite a big number of players playing and what a tight finish, 4 pairs finished with a fantastic score of 41 points, so it went to count back and the eventual winners were Keith Kilbourn and Will Charlesworth, well done you two and good luck in representing South Kyme in your next round.

So fingers crossed we that we don’t have too much rain this coming week so we can carry on playing, all the best my friends, see you next week and happy golfing.



Numbers drawn  807



Good afternoon Ladies and Gentlemen fellow members of South Kyme Golf Clun, may I take this opportunity to wish you all and your families a Happy new year and hope 2024 will be a lot kinder to us weather wise, I would also like express my gratitude for all your support in 2023.

Unfortunately we started the new year as we left the last6 with no winners however I would like to say hard luck to Ray Pauley he narrowly missed out with his numbers of 525 and because he used the same numbers in a different combination he missed out on the consolation price too, sorry Ray.

As I said the new year came in and carried on from where the last one left off with a record breaking of rain fall in the first 2 days of 2024. The course is extremely wet especially the front 9 holes, but with a more settled forecast we hope to get back to some normality pretty soon. I am sorry for the inconvenience but as the whole country is suffering from the same misfortune we just have to grin and bear it and hope things will get better soon.

Thank you all again for your support see you around and hopefully I will be able to say soon enough Happy Golfing.





Numbers drawn  066


Jackpot C/F £259

Good afternoon Fellow South Kyme members, as you can see unfortunately I have not been able to give anybody a nice Christmas pay out from the Captains draw cause you all went and picked the wrong numbers.

Joking aside I would like to say a big big thank you for your support in my Captains year so far, I would also like to say thank you for your patience and understanding over these dreadful past 3 months where we had unprecedented amount of rainfall which left us with no other option but to close the course, for those who played the shortened 9 holes over the weekend you can see how wet the course is and being so wet, it not only stops us playing but it also stops us from maintaining and working on it, we just hope that 2024 will be a bit kinder to us.

May I also take this opportunity to wish every single member, staff and all your families a Wonderful, and Merry  Christmas and a Happy new Year.

Peter Zammit.


Numbers drawn  143

                                       NO JACKPOT WINNER, NO CONSOLATION WINNERS

                                                                            Jackpot C/F £217

Good  wet morning dear members, I am writing this info on Monday morning the 27th November and the rain keeps falling, it has now been raining solid from around midnight last night and now it is 11.00 am and it is still raining. Needless to say the course is closed and with the amount of rain on the ground now on top of what we already had, it could take a few days before we will be able to play again.

I have been a member at South Kyme for 18 years now and although we had rain interruptions and course closures before I have to say that I have never seen as much rain as we have had this year in  such a short space of time, as you probably expect we are not the only ones suffering, other golf courses are obviously experiencing the same ill fortunes, even the poor farmers cannot get on the land to harvest their sugar beet let alone put in a new crop.

So I’m afraid we all have to be patient and hope for some settled weather, and once we are able to get back onto the course, please try and keep away from wet areas as much as possible.

Thank you.


Numbers drawn  no draw

                                       NO JACKPOT WINNER, NO CONSOLATION WINNERS

                                                                            Jackpot C/F £185

No draw was done this week due to course closure, and the rain keeps falling.



Numbers drawn  857

                                       NO JACKPOT WINNER, NO CONSOLATION WINNERS

                                                                            Jackpot C/F £185

Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen fellow members at South Kyme. the relentless wet weather is not only stopping us from playing but it is also having an effect on my Captains draw, but I’m afraid there is not much we can do about the weather, so for those who are lucky enough to be able to play I wish you happy golfing and please keep away from the very wet areas on the course.

Thank you.


Numbers drawn  337

                                       NO JACKPOT WINNER, NO CONSOLATION WINNERS

                                                                            Jackpot C/F £173

Hello fellow members of South Kyme, as you all unfortunately this wet weather just does not want to ease off,  our greens Chairman and our green keepers are doing their utmost to keep some holes open so we can play a bit of golf. We must be patient and realise that as it is so wet underfoot our green keepers cannot run around the course cutting the fairways or the rough so if we want to carry on playing we must be prepared to put up with small inconveniences.

The same goes for those who are eligible to use a buggy on the course, please use your buggy responsibly do not take your buggy across the fairways or on the aprons, and if you are going up the fairway on the left hand side, then stay on the left hand side until the hole is completed and drive round the back of the green to the next hole, the same applies if you happen to be driving up the hole on the right hand side.

Thank you for your consideration and lets hope that this extremely wet weather will come to an end sooner rather than later.




Numbers drawn  623

                                       NO JACKPOT WINNER, NO CONSOLATION WINNERS

                                                                            Jackpot C/F £148

Good afternoon dear South Kyme fellow members, as you can see from the date above we’ve already missed out on one Sunday (22/10/23) due to course closure and I’m afraid we did not do any better this weekend, loosing out on the Winter Lge for the second week in succession.

However I did manage to accrue £30 on the captains draw thanks mainly to Martin Howard so I was able this week to go ahead with the draw, not that it was any good to anybody cause as you can see from the above there were no winners.

I’m off to a more warmer sunnier climes tomorrow so I will leave you all in the capable hands of Duncan Bustin, so take care and see you all again next week.



Jackpot C/F £133


Numbers drawn  7 3 6


Jackpot C/F £133


Good afternoon fellow South Kyme members, a slight correction in the jackpot C/F it is not £1334 but £133, there were no winners again today so now that the pot is getting bigger I expect a few more chancers next week.

As you all know we are well into the Winter league with the second round being played today, well done To Arcchie Dannat and Steve Barlow as todays winners and also well done Sue and Geoff Annibal for winning last week’s round one.

See you all next week, till then Happy golfing.








Good afternoon Fellow South Kyme members, after last weeks big jackpot winner, we have to start from scratch once again and as you can see the jackpot carry forward is only at £36 but you can inflate it up by taking part in the Captains weekly Tricast, the more you put in the more you can win LOL. Joking aside I am much obliged by all your contributions and I can only assure you that all the money that I will accumulate over my captaincy year will all be spent on mainly improving our beloved golf course. I am in constant talks with the greens Chairman and the greens staff for anything that they might need to make their job more efficient and productive, however I am open to suggestions from all of you my fellow members, so if you have any idea’s of how to inprove our course, please come forward with them.

Not much more to say, Autumn is well and truly here now, with Winter not so far away, Sunday after next we will start the Winter League so get yourself a partner and get your names down and good luck to you and all the members that have already registered themselves especially myself and Duncan Bustin LOL.

Take care everyone and Happy Golfing, or as our Pro, Pete Chamberlain would say now that he’s fluent in Italian, Ari Vederci.



Numbers drawn  547


Jackpot C/F £16

Good afternoon fellow South Kyme members, as you can see from above, we have a jackpot winner of £500, Mr Paul Russell, well done Paul, so you can see boys and girls that there is money to be won but you’ve got to be in it to win it.

Well done also to Mark Lally for becoming our 2023 South Kyme Masters champion very narrowly beating Cam Chamberlain on count back and winning £250 voucher. We are feeling very generous this week at South Kyme giving money prizes away, so congratulations to all the other winners. I too did well on Sunday, along with my Partner Heather Dopriella winning the Mixed Vase competition for the second year running but alas I or should I say we did not win any money.

Just before I close as ever I would like to thank Pete Chamberlain and Martin Howard for the work they both put in at the Master’s championship, Helen Kirschiner for organizing and running the mixed vase, the kitchen and bar staff who once again worked their socks off especially on Saturday it being a shotgun start everyone coming in at once wanting to get watered, and of course the greens staff who were out even before the crack of dawn on Saturday mowing and ironing the greens for the master’s.

That’s all for this week folks, take care and happy golfing.


Numbers drawn  1 8 2





Good wet morning dear South Kyme fellow members, I would like to start today by passing on my deepest Sympathy to Pete Chamberlain, Tracey and all the Chamberlain family for the sad loss of Pete’s Father, may he RIP.

Last Sunday South Kyme hosted the LGGC event, the whole thing went like clockwork, although Thor the God of Thunder nearly put a stop to it in the end , however we just managed to finish without any weather interruptions. I would like to thank the Greens staff for their excellent work  on the course, I had nothing but Praise from most of the fellow players I spoke to, the ones that played South Kyme before, expressing how much it has improved and maturing up nicely, and the ones who never played here before  saying how much they liked it and that they would love to come play it again without any hesitation. all in all a big Thumbs up for our beloved golf course.

I would also like to thank the three kitchen and bar staff  Mark, Donna and Matthew for their tremendous hard work in feeding and watering all the contestants, they worked their socks off and did it all very courteously and with a smile on their face, thank you guys you were brilliant.

That’s all for this week boys and girls, I close by wishing all of you who are playing in the Masters on Saturday the very best of luck, oh and don’t forget to do the Captain’s draw, I did tell a little porky pie last week by saying that the Jackpot was £500, but I assure you it will be £500 this week if you put your money in it LOL.

Take care and happy golfing.



Numbers drawn  576




Good afternoon dear South Kyme members, I did write a blog last week congratulating all winners in our annual club championship, however owing to the system being down for a few days I managed to loose all I had written, so I repeat Congratulations to all the winners last week mainly our men’s club champion Lee Marshall and our Lady champion Jane Barlow.

Congratulations this week to our September Monthly medal winners , Chris Mountain (Div1) with a cracking score of 66, Phil Marsh (Div 2) score 73, and Alan Reynolds (Div 3) score 69 beating on countback Ian Hole and Neal Horne. Well done boys.

The Rabbits and Hares also had their Monthly Bash, a report on the day by Captain Graeme Campbell is to be read on Face book.

On Friday the 1st September we also had “The Billinghay Day” organized as ever by our President John Twells with a little bit of help from his friends, so Thank you John, and also Thanks to the lovely Ladies in the HWH.

Some of our boys are off to Spain on Wednesday, safe journey boys, enjoy it and not too much Sangria.

Take care everyone and Happy golfing, see you next week.



Numbers drawn  579





Numbers drawn  6 6 5


Good afternoon fellow South Kyme members and welcome once again to my blog, as you can see from the tri cast numbers drawn this week it was so nearly a Devil’s number, but instead it turned out to be a little Imp, we are in Lincolnshire after all.

Today I would just like to pass on some congratulations first of all to all the winners in my Captain’s day last week, overall Winner Alan Reynolds, Colin Gent (2nd) and Shane Wilcox (3rd) and all the other winners of the other minnow prizes, but most of all I would like to Thank you all for making my day so memorable.

I would also like to congratulate our A team captain Andy Lowth and B Team Captain Mark Dewhurst for both finishing the season on a high and big wins, the A team winning their last match 5-1 and finishing 2nd in their league table, narrowly missing out on promotion by just 1 point, and the B team also winning their last match by a big score of 5.5 to 0.5 finishing 3rd in their respective league table. well done teams and as Club Captain I would like to thank all those players that represented South Kyme  in their respective matches, Onwards and upwards boys, promotions begins next season.

Finally Congratulations today to the winner of the M & T Chamberlain Challenge Cup, our own old boy John Stephenson who carded an impressive 67 net, well done John.

That’s all folks, good luck to you all next week in the Club Championship, and may the best Man or the best Lady win.




Numbers drawn  808




Good morning dear fellow South Kyme  members. Yesterday was quite a memorable day for me  as your Captain for 2023. With a big turn out of 112 players we managed to keep you happy with lots of food in the HWH and even though the weather tried to put a dampener on the day it all went well in the end.

I would like to thank you all again for your generosity the raffle raised £450 (thanks to Mick Ma wson for being such a good salesman) This money will all be going to a good cause either on the golf course or in the club house to improve on what we already have.

The Ladies Captain Helen Kirschiner  in the HWH also raised £158.46p, plus 5 cents and a ball marker, which is not surprising when you saw the lovely food display that Helen put out in the HWH, thanks to Helen’s and the rest of the ladies section who most of them contributed cakes, sandwiches …etc…etc…The money raised at the HWH will be going to Helen’s Charity for the year which is “Breast cancer uk”. I said all my thank you’s in my speech yesterday, so here’s a copy of it for all those that could not understand my pigeon English.

Ladies, gentlemen, and all you fine folks who’ve gathered here today, I must extend my heartfelt gratitude to a motley crew of characters without whom this day would have been as likely as finding a unicorn on the golf course – oh, and a nod to the Golfing Gods for gracing us with weather that didn’t require an umbrella hat. Unfortunately I wrote this speech on the Saturday night, so two fingers to the Golfing Gods because we did need the umbrellas.

First off, let’s tip our golf caps to my partner-in-captaincy-crime, Helen Kirschiner, the mastermind behind our halfway house that’s so fabulous, only two of us really understand the heroic levels of her toil. Yours truly, because Helen’s updates rival the length of a Harry Potter book, and her poor husband Jodi, who’s been camping out in the shed like a pro shed-dweller, narrowly avoiding the danger zone.

Now, let’s give a golf clap to our ladies’ brigade. Sure, they’re a bit like the “Mighty Ducks” of golf – a small but fierce team – and they’ve earned their spot in South Kyme G C history with their culinary skills. They’ve been supplying more goodies than Willy Wonka’s factory, mostly on their own dime but mostly just for the sheer love of our club. Bravo, ladies, bravo!

A big holler to Greens Chairman Terry Dixon and his grass-whispering squad: Shaun, Roy, Ken, and our fresh-faced green guru, Malcolm. These brave souls have faced more green-related drama than a horticultural soap opera. They’ve battled a grass growth spurt that would make Rapunzel jealous and have clocked in overtime like they’re preparing for the golf Olympics. So, fellas, thanks a million.

Cue applause for our kitchen and bar heroes, who’ve defied the odds to keep us well-fed and hydrated, even when they’re running on fumes and coffee fumes. You folks are the true masters of the 19th hole, and we salute you.

Let’s also not forget our chairman, who’s been spinning more plates than a circus performer, and my trusty sidekick Vice Captain Duncan Bustin – who I must refrain from my usual nickname today, because, you know, formalities and all that. And a shoutout to our DOG, Director of Golf Pete Chamberlain, and his trusty deputy dog, Martin Howard. These two have orchestrated this grand spectacle like maestros, making sure cards are checked and chaos is kept at bay.

And finally, the pièce de résistance – all of you glorious souls who turned up in droves to back our grand Captaincy adventure. Your presence has turned this day from a potential disaster into a triumph of epic burger-bite proportions. So, grab a burger on us, savor the victory, and may your putts be straighter than a North Pole-bound reindeer. Safe travels, and in the immortal words of Dave Allen, “May your God be with you” – or, you know, at least your golf swing. Cheers! 🍔🏌️‍♂️



Numbers drawn  4 7 9




Hello fellow South Kyme members welcome to my blog. On Sunday the 30th July we had our Captain’s Charity day, thanks to your generosity we raised quite a bit of money for Cancer research an updated circular is in the club house. There are some unclaimed raffle prizes:  Blue 537, 100, 677, Serial number AF6L KU66,    Yellow 209 Serial number AC7R KU67, and Yellow/white  70, 46, 28 serial number AH 589979, if you have any of these numbers than come see me and I will forward your prizes.

Congratulations are in order to the winners of the day who will all receive shop vouchers,  Winner Ray Neal £100,    2nd Neil Lindsey £75,    3rd Graham Smith £50,   4th Jim Garriock £25,   5th Glynn Powell £15.      The Mens best Gross was Adam Weston £25,   and the Ladies best gross was Sue Roberts £25. Well done and as old Mr Grace in the TV sitcom “Are you being served ” used to say   “You’ve all done very well”

As I said in my circular the auction is going well if you are interested, get your bids in, there are some real good golf courses on offer so don’t miss out, the auction will close on my Captain’s day the 13th of August.

Take care fellow members till next week





Numbers drawn 0 4 0



Hello fellow South Kyme members and welcome to my blog, where we are in the middle of a very busy 3 weeks.  It kicked off on Friday with the  demanding 72hole play off in aid of Prostate cancer. A very big well done is in order to the 6 lads namely Wayne, Andy, Mick, Mark, Liam and Sam who teed off at 04.45 am and by 9 O’clock  they had already completed 27 holes. A big crowd consisting of members, and family members came over in the evening to see the boys in on the 18th hole, it was a scene like you see on the TV with people meeting the boys half way down the fairway and walking them in onto the 18th green, such a unique and memorable sight to witness at South Kyme, and their gigantic efforts were well rewarded in the amount of money they managed to raise, which at last count was £5250, well done boys you certainly did deserve all the accolades you received on the night. A big well done also goes to my female dog, Duncan Bustin for looking after all the boys needs, organizing the day and the BBQ in the evening, thanks also to Kay, Donna and the rest of the staff for keeping us well watered and fed, especially Duncan and Blobby Wheeler who between them consumed 4 gallons of Guinness and Doombar, and the bottle of Sloe Gin was won by Ray Munks.

On the same Friday evening  our A team were contesting the quarter final of the Elsham cup at Stoke Rochford, unfortunately Andy Louth and his merry men came out second on the night and bowed out of the comp, however a big well done is in order for actually getting so far, better luck next year and with all the new young talent we have at our club now, the future looks good for South Kyme.

Saturday and a wet one it was too and with both our A team and B team playing their league matches. The results were very good for our boys, the A team winning 4-2 at Kirton Holme and the B team winning 5-1 at home against Burliegh Park, so well done Captains Andy and Mark, with both teams having two matches left to play, if they are successful in those matches then both teams will be promoted.

I come now to this coming Sunday the 30th. This is also a charity day, it is my Charity day in aid of Cancer Research,, it is a big field with some 90 odd players playing, there will be a raffle and a Half Way House with all proceeds going to Cancer Research, I also have 8, four ball vouchers to other golf clubs which I am Auctioning, the clubs in mention are, Southwell, Woodthorpe Hall, Boston, Belton Woods, Melton Mowbray, Thorpe Woods, Ruddington Grange, and Ely golf course, I got a minimum starting bid of £40 for the first 5 courses mentioned but I am expecting a bit more for Ely golf course ( £45 a round there and that’s midweek) as for Ruddington Grange I’ve already got a £100 bid in. So I leave it  mto you fellow members, it is all for a good cause.

That’s all for me today. so I will be updating you all next week regarding my charity day, till then take care and happy golfing.




Today’s competition 09/07/23 was the “Ted Mablethorpe Cup” which was won by Pete Burton with a fantastic score of 43 points, well done Pete, second time in 3 weeks that you’ve come in with 43 points, my verdict A big Handicap cut.

Last Friday week 30/06/23 6 of our A Team boys played a foursome knockout round in the “Elsham Cup” against a strong team from Blankney. Our boys came out victorious 4 up so well done Captain Andy Louth, Chris Mountain, Ray Paulie, Andy Rae, Richard Sadler and Adam Weston, good luck in your next round boys.

Yesterday Saturday 08/07/23 both our A team and our B team had very important matches against Boston and Burliegh Park. A win for both teams would have seen the South Kyme boys topping their respective divisions however both teams came away with honourable halves 3 – 3, even so well done boys, we are definitely on the right track, The rabbits were also involved in an away match at Toft but they suffered a        5_1 loss with only Paula Youngs and John Huthwaith coming away winning.

A big couple of Charity events are on the horizon for this month, on Friday the 21st, 6 of our fit, strong boys  namely Wayne, Nick, Mark, Andy, Lee and Sam are going to do a Marathon 72 holes of golf in a day in aid of Prostate Cancer, Alan Wells is raffling off a bottle of  “WELLSY’S SPECIAL RESERVE SLOE GIN, made out of the finest Lincolnshire Sloes so please buy a £5  worth of raffle tickets for 3 chances to win this exceptional Amber nectar, tickets can be bought from behind the bar, or from Captain Zammo or Duncan. The bar will stay open late on this special day and at 18.30 there will also be a BBQ, so please come over, bring your loved ones, and cheer the boys as they come in.

Then on Sunday the 30th of July we have the Captains Charity day in aid of Cancer Research. This will be a Stableford comp off the white tees open to members and guests, there will be a raffle on the day plus a Half Way House, also I have up to date 6 X 4 ball vouchers to 6 different Golf courses, namely Boston, Belton Woods, Melton Mowbray, Southwell, Woodthorpe Hall and Ruddington Grange GC, which I will be auctioning, more info will be circulated in the club house, so please I hope I can rely on your generosity towards these two charity days, Thank you.

No more from me this time Addios and happy golfing.



Yesterday the 25th of June on a very warm day saw South Kyme Golf Club hosting our Annual Presidents cup.  A big entry of 92 players went off to a shotgun start at 08.30, all hoping to come away with the goods. Alas there can only be one team winning and that team consisting of Mark Dewhurst, Mark Lally, Graham Leech and Simon Fawkes came in with a score of 111 winning first Place and the Presidents cup.

The nearest the pin for the Ladies was won by Jane Barlow and for the men it was Barry Skinner, well done to all the winners.

Our President John Twells informed the members that the post of Club President is up for re-election at the next AGM and John said that he will not be standing for the post and to let a new face take the reins, as club captain, I would like on all the members behalf, like to thank John for all the hard work he has put in over all the years that South Kyme golf club came into existence, without the likes of John we would not be where we are today so a very big Thank you John.

I would also like to thank Pete Chamberlain and Martin Howard for running the whole event and doing all the cards and all the scoring at the end, the greens staff for coming in early cutting and ironing the greens, and the catering and bar staff for feeding and watering all those thirsty and hungry bellies.

My apologies (I nearly forgot to mention)  the ladies in the half way house and all the ladies who baked and contributed all that lovely food in the HWH, as our President said in his speech our HWH is second to non other around, Ladies Thank you, you make us proud.

Keep smiling fellow members, next on the agenda is the July medal and I wish all the competitors in that event the very best of luck.

Thank you.





Numbers  9 1 9







Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen fellow members of South Kyme golf club, this is the morning after of the day before, as you all know yesterday the 13th of May we held our Annual AM AM open event sponsered by Apex roofing UK, the Horne Bros Carpets Ltd, Parks Wealth Management and Twells of Billinghay, so my first Thank you goes to our Sponsers.

My second Thank you goes to our DOG (Director of golf) Pete Chamberlain, Martin Howard, and Handicap Chairman Roger Mead for organizing, scoring and running such an event, with 160 players taking part is no mean task, lets not forget our starters Mr Andrew Lowth, and Mr Graham Leech,who stood out there in the cold giving us instructions and setting us on our way.

Thirdly I would like to thank our Green staff , all 3 of them, Shaun, Roy and Ken for coming out early in the morning cross mowing and ironing the greens, also for the superb condition that the course was in, a Big Thank you boys.

Next come our Catering, Kay and her staff oh and Gary (lol), again for coming out early dishing out coffee and bacon baps, manning the bar and meals afterwards always with a smile on their face and in Kay’s case the whisling Lady.

Now we come to our wonderful Ladies, we start with Helen Kirschiner who did a wonderful job in welcoming all the players, writing and handing them their scoring cards and instructions also for running and drawing the raffle assisted by Sue Roberts. Cheryl Mawson for her advice on setting out the raffle tickets and sometimes by me getting in the way.

The Half Way House, I mean what can I say about our Half way house that has not been said so many many times before, I am so proud and Humbled by the way our Ladies always manage the HWH, our Ladies section at SK may be quite small (like me) but my goodness the way they present their goods, (oops I have to be careful what I say Here) I mean the presentaion of the food, beverages it is all just awsome, so a very big thank you Carole Fewings, Cheryl Mawson and Trina Harvey, also all the other ladies that baked and supplied cakes, sandwiches …etc …etc. your efforts in the HWH I am convinced goes a long way into encouraging more players from other clubs into entering our opens.

Which now brings me to my final Thank you, and that goes to all the ladies and gentlemen from SK and he neighbouring clubs, for coming to play in our AMAM , for your generosity in buying raffle tickets and despite the cold weather (but thankfully no rain), making it such a great day.

The sales of the Raffle tickets raised £512 (once again thanks for your generosities) of which I have decided to donate £100 to the Ladies Captain Helen Kirschiner towards her Captains fund, for her sterling work yesterday, also I will donate another £100 towards the Rabbits and hares section towards their club Funds, in gratitude to the running of the HWH.

My last message is a big well done to the winners of yesterdays competition Shaun Knaggs, Tony Rollitt, Colin Gent and Karl Wickens, who came in with a fantastic score of 130, (minus 14) but I honestly think that there should be a stewards enquiry into their score because playing with the head green keeper there must have been a huge degree of insider information, no honestly boys Well Done.

Thank you everyone and lets Keep the South Kyme Golf Club Flag Flying.

Peter Zammit.

Just to carry on from the previous page, I would also like to thank all those members who donated prizes to go onto my raffle table. After the draw was made there are 5 unclaimed prizes, the numbers are Blue 539 and 870, on the yellow 9, and 414, and finally on the pink the star prize the Malted Whiskey 954.

If you have any of these raffle numbers see me and I will pass on your winnings, if not then these prizes will go onto my next raffle.

Todays comp was the bogey comp, it was won by Gary Lloyd Coxhead on count back from Graham Houlton with a fantastic score of +5 and playing of the white tees when our course is playing really long, that is no mean feat I tell you, so well done Gary and Graham, in Third place with also a good score of +1 was Alan Wells.

Well done boys I will be away from Friday 19th till the 31st, so I will be leaving you and the Tri cast in the capable hands of my Vice, Duncan Bustin, please be gentle with him cause he is very fragile. And regarding the tri cast, there were no winners this week or consolation prizes.

Arri Vederci matey boys and girls pips.


Numbers  3 1 8







Numbers   3 4 5




Afternoon members, it looks at long last the weather is beginning to behave itself, the course is looking very lush and green but still playing quite long due to no run on the ball, so hoping that this dry spell will continue so you boys and girls can have a good go at the May Monthly medal on Sunday and good luck to all of you in that.

We had another jackpot last Sunday, Bryan Holden won £264, well done Bryan, numbers drawn we 345, so we’ll start from scratch again this weekend but don’t let that deter you, come on take a pun and built that jackpot up again.

Our boys were in action on Saturday with mixed fortunes, the A team winning 3.5 to 2.5 away at Sudbrook , well done boys, oh and lovely team photo as well, but the B team lost 4.5 to 1.5 away at Burliegh Park, better luck next time boys,

That’s all for this time folks , let’s hope that May will be kinder to us weather wise especially with the Open AM AM on the 13th just round the corne.

Addios Amigos.


Hello fellow members and welcome to my blog, I apologise for missing out last week but I was too busy fishing.

The Tri cast numbers this week were 033, there were no jackpot winners again this week but there one consolation prize and that went to Matthew Brooks who won £26, which now leaves the jackpot for next week of £218 plus so come on and take a gamble “you gotta be in it to win it”

The Wilson Scramble today unfortunately had to be called off because of the wet weather, this miserable wet weather that we’re having just don’t want to go away, however the course is holding up well to this relentless wet weather and it’s only cause the greens started flooding that we had to call a halt to today’s event.

Earlier I said I was to busy fishing, well on Thursday I managed to catch all the fish bar 3 from my pond and on Friday brought them over to put them in the Presidents pond by the first tee, unfortunately some of them got too stressed out and did not survive the transition, so needless to say I got a lot of stick today, but after ringing the bell and asking for a minute silence in respect to the fish that did not make it, every one in the club house complied    NOT.  Well there are some fish swimming happily in the pond and by the time we finish with it I hope that it will be quite pleasing to the eye.

The A Team and the B team had their first matches of the season last weekend, with both teams doing very well against Kirton Holme, the A team were at home and won by the score of 5 .5 to .5, and the B team were away also to Kirton and they halved their match 3 all. the seniors too had a friendly match at home,   against Woodthorpe hall on Thursday, landing a massive victory of 7.5 to .5, so well done boys and well done South Kyme.

That’s all folks, happy golfing and fingers crossed for a better week this week.

Good afternoon members of the star ship South Kyme, Captain Zammo here with another load of waffle.

I would like to start by announcing that the tricast numbers this week were 250 and that there were no winners so the jackpot carried forward to this week end will be £82, so come on and have a go, think of how many Easter eggs you can buy with £82 plus.

This week the well done ribbon goes to Ian Barratt for winning the April medal with a score of level par 72, even though he walked in the club house cursing his inability to get his birdie on the 18th, and yes a birdie on the 18th on Sunday would have been a great way to finish but from what he said he was overcome by the Zammo putting yips.

Well done also to John hand for winning Cat 1 on countback  from John Tilley with 73 net,  and to Colin Bell also 73 net winning cat3. Right a question for you oldens “who remembers Colin Piggen Bell” playing for Manchester City.

Right no more drivel, this being Easter week, may I wish you and your families a Happy Easter and don’t eat too many Easter eggs.

Hello there me hearties, Captain Zammo here of the star ship South Kyme welcoming you all on board. As published already the Tricast numbers this week were 519 and the Jackpot of £40 was won by Alistair Grant (well done Alistair)

Well done also to the winners of the “Winter League Challenge Shield” Mr. Andrew Louth and Mr Christopher Mountain.

Good afternoon Ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the star ships blog number 4.

The tricast numbers this week were 850 and i’m afraid once again there were no winners, so the jackpot next week will be £132 plus, so my advice is invest, speculate to accumilate.

The weather this past week was once again SH with an IT at the end, where once again we lost some holes due to the wet weather, and there don’t seem to be any let off at all, I do need to have a serious word with the golfing Gods.

However we did manage to have a good day on Sunday for the Greensomes Cup after a very cold star, so congratulations to the Winners Ray Neal and Josh Parks with a great score of 66, 2nd place went to Shawn Farren and John Stephenson with a score of 67, beating on count back the no more Husband and wife (Wright) but Husband and Dannat also on 67 points.

I played with my (female dog) vice Captain Duncan Bustin, and we should have been in the prizes if it wasn’t for a couple of lip outs and my usual 2 foot putt miss, but all in all it was a very good day which in my case and Duncan’s, was followed by a lovely Lunch Carvery, and I must say that our kitchen staff the KKK do dish out a lovely carvery and some great deserts, so my thanks go to the kitchen staff.

However regretfully the KKK are no more because Kyle is leaving us, he is going to find his fortune down in the smoke (London) so on behalf of the South Kyme members I wish Kyle good luck and thank you for your services over the past years.

No more to say except happy golfing (weather permitting) and don’t forget to invest in the Captains draw.


Ladies and Gentlemen members, this is Captain Zammo of the star ship South Kyme Golf club logging in with my number one blog.

I took over the helm last Sunday the 12th March, the Golfing Gods smiled on us and provided us with a beautiful day weather wise, which meant that a good number of you turned out for my drive in, a dirve that I was very pleased with, but especially pleased with the way I controlled the distance.

You see I had to control the distance because the week before I was playing with a certain Mr.Andrew Louth, on that day I also hit a very good drive on the first (wind assisted) and as soon as we got to my ball, Mr Louth took out his distance finder and measured my drive. He then was top of the list on the sheet of how far I would be driving the ball, so you see I had to control my drive and take some distance off to give everyone a chance.(Bull’s paddock muck comes to mind)

Seriously folks I like to thank you all for making it a good day for me, the only downside was the Captains team loosing to the Vice Captains team, congratulations to the winners M.Dewhurst & A.Caudle,

A.Reynolds & S.Matthews (2nd) and Paula Young, & Joan Cowie (3rd). Also to M.Churchman for being the nearest in guessing the distance of my controlled drive.

My thanks go to the green Staff for making all the greens and the course playable and this after the whole course was closed just over 24 hours previous, to the KKK in the kitchen for a lovely Carvery afterwards, to Martin and the DOG, (Director Of Golf) Pete Chamberlain, and finally a special thanks to our own Trolley Dollies Carole, Cheryl and Trina who looked after us in the HWH, Thank you all.

The tricast did very well on the day too, thanks to my (call him what you like, Jeeves, or female dog, or goffer) Vice Captain Duncan Bustin, and being a roll over handed down to me from our preious Captain Steve Barlow the total sum was £459 and this was promptly won by Mr Dave Knight with the numbers 526.

The HWH made £121 and with the takings from the comp of £187,after prizes were paid out it was a very good start to my Captains fund, which my fellow members I can assure you that every penny will be spent on improving our beloved golf course, so I repeat, any member who can see ways of bettering our course please come to me with your suggestions and we will do our best to carry them out.

Thanks boys and girls, see next week, over and out.


I would like once again, to thank everyone for supporting the Tri-Cast, to-date I have out £1114.60 in prize money!

The monies raised for my fund has been used to purchase 3 winter mats, which will be in use once the wet weather hits us.

This week’s numbers were 296, although there were no jackpot winners. The new jackpot stands at £500.

I would also like congratulate all the golfers who have been successful in competitions since my last blog; –

Masters – Brett Sandiford, Best Gross, Men – Cam Chamberlain, Ladies – Jane Barlow

M&T Cup – Duncan Bustin

Tholen Shield – Matt Simons

Wilson Cup – Andy Clarke & Alan Wells

Club Champion – Ryan Trow,

Div1 Handicap – Richard Trow, Div2 Handicap – Steve Smithson, Stephen Cup – Archie Dannatt

Ladies Club Champion – Sue Roberts

Monthly medal – (Sept) Colin Bell, and other divisional winners Nick Milward (Div1) & Mick Fell (Div2)

Ladies monthly medal –. Myra LeSage

Well done to all.



I would like to big thank everyone who supported my Charity Day, with a special Thank you to Helen Kirschner, for organising the Half Way house, all those who donated & for looking after us all on the day my daughters, Nicola, Abbie & their friend Natalie. As always Pete & Martin for supporting the running of day. Well done to Winner, Roger Mead, Runner up, Graham Tillman, 3rd, Carl Appleyard, 4th Duncan Bustin and best gross Ryan Trow & Sue Roberts. The day raised a total of £779.23, so again a massive THANK YOU too all.


Numbers  4 4 4





I would like once again, to thank everyone for supporting the Tri-Cast.

Since my last blog we have had two Jackpot winners, John Twells (£451.60) and John Barnham (£44.00), well done to both, good month to be called John!

This week’s numbers were 674, although there were no jackpot winners. The new jackpot stands at £94.

I would also like congratulate all the golfers who have been successful in competitions since my last blog; –

Presidents Cup – Sean Baumber, Steve Horne, Neil Horne, Carl Markham

Pinehurst Foresomes – Richard & Ryan Trow

Monthly medal – Ryan Trow, and other divisional winners Gerry Newby (Div2) & David Houlton (Div3)

Ladies monthly medal –. Sue Annibal

Well done to all.

All the teams have had mixed fortunes since my last blog, keep fighting and support Team South Kyme, anyone interested in representing South Kyme Golf Club playing team golf will be welcome. Do try to come and join us in supporting the club, please contact Either Andy Louth, Pete Zammit or Joan Cowie.

This month we have the Senior Open 28th July & My Charity Day 24th July and there are plenty of other competitions coming up, please support as many as you can. See the notice board in the foyer.

There is also a Taylor Made Fitting Afternoon on the 19th July.



Numbers  6 7 4




I would like once again, to thank everyone for supporting the Tri-Cast.

Last week Jason Turner won the £500 Jackpot, well done to Him. This week’s numbers were 031, although there were no jackpot winners. The new jackpot stands at £217.

I would also like congratulate all the golfers who have been successful in competitions since my last blog; –

Wilson Team Scramble – Carl Appleyard, Ian Barratt & David LeSage

Greensomes Cup – Archie Deacon & Stephen Husband

April monthly medal – Phil Marsh (Div2), and other divisional winners Duncan Bustin (Div1),  Gary Noble (Div3)

Ladies monthly medal – Sarriya Comfort, (Winning both the Sunday & Tuesdays Medals).

Well done to all.

Team matches have started, with the “A” team drawing their first match, and the “B” team & Ladies team just losing out.

Anyone interested in representing South Kyme Golf Club playing team golf will be welcome. Do try to come and join us in supporting the club, please contact Either Andy Louth, Pete Zammit or Joan Cowie.

This month we have the first AM/AM for a while, with 148 players taking part, and there are plenty of other competitions coming up. See the notice board in the foyer.



Numbers  0 3 1  





Hi all,

I would like once again, to thank everyone for supporting the Tri-Cast.

This week is my fourth draw, and I would like to say a big thank you to Pete Zammit for taking over from me whilst I am in lock down due to Covid-19.

This week’s  drawn numbers are 459 and although there were no jackpot winners, I would like to congratulate Harry Stanley with numbers 549 for receiving my first pay out on the Tri-Cast, of a consolation prize of £21.  The JACKPOT for next week’s draw remains at £500.

I would also like congratulate all the golfers who have been successful in competitions;-

The new South Kyme Shamble –  Steve Husband, Ben Wright, Matt Hazelwood, Craig Morris

Winter Saturday Swing Order of Merit – Johnny Oxby

April monthly medal –  Shane Wilcox (Div2), and other divisional winners Paul Holder (Div1),  John Spooner (Div3)

Ladies monthly medal – Paula Young.

Well done to all.

Just a reminder for all golfers the first roll up practice match for Team South Kyme is at 1pm this Saturday (9th April).

Anyone interested in representing South Kyme Golf Club playing team golf is welcome. Do try to come and join us in supporting the club.


I would like again, to thank everyone for supporting my Drive In and, a big thank you to all who contributed to the halfway house either with help or donations. We raised £86.79 which is a fantastic start for my two chosen Charities (Lincs & Notts Air Ambulance and Teenage Cancer Trust) so a big thank you to all. Well done to the winners on the day Ben Wright and Stephen Husband. and a special well done all to those who helped the Captains side triumph!!!!

The Tri cast produced no winners this week, the drawn numbers were 7 3 8, The jackpot is now standing at £500, and the next Jackpot is under way.



Numbers   7 3 8 

No Winners




Two years ago, I stood here in great anticipation and full of ideas and plans for my year as Club Captain. However, just over a week later, the Club was closed as we were hit by the start of a Pandemic.

Due to the disruptions, I was asked and agreed to extend my captaincy for an extra year. I would like to say that I have been honoured to carry out the role of South Kyme Club Captain and want to assure you that the last two years of disruption are nothing to do with having a Female at the helm. Things may not have gone as planned but I have had a lot of laughs and enjoyed the good old South Kyme Banter.

Thank you for all your donations to my two Charities. Parkinson’s on the 14th Hole raised £224 and the Captains bunker on the 18th for Macmillan raised £190

Finally, my Captains fund has raised a grand total of £3,334.00. I am still deciding what project to spend it on but I have had some suggestions from you, the members and I thank you all for your support.

My Captaincy would not have been possible without the help of many people, so I have some thank you’s.

Firstly, I would like to thank both the Greens and Catering staff for all their hard work during the past two years, adapting to ever changing rules to ensure that we were able to play golf and enjoy catering whenever possible.

I have some special mentions. Firstly, two Ladies who have helped me by selling Raffle tickets at 7am and always been there to run the halfway house on competition days. Cherryl Mawson and Trina Harvey, would you like to come up. GIFT

Thank you to Pete and Martin. Without your help along the way I would have been lost, so sincere thanks. GIFT

My little Brother Neil, who has always helped and kept my Captains fund totals updated GIFT

There is a young man who helped with my Tricast whenever needed, pestering you for that extra pound. He even followed people to their cars to get their money. On the days he helped takings were always up, so Andy Lowth, you deserve this medal. (Don’t eat it all at once).

And finally, there is a bloke in the background that has chauffeured, fetched and carried almost without complaint. He may not have the baking skills to contribute to the halfway house, or the looks to get into my photo’s but he has been brilliant at getting my Clubs out of the car. So thank you John, and just to remind you, my Captaincy may be over at the Club, but it is certainly not at home! Seriously though, thanks for being such great support. GIFT

And so, it is time to hand over the Mantle. I would like to Wish Steve Barlow and his Vice Captain, Pete Zammitt all the best for the coming year and it is with great pleasure that I now get to present Your New Club Captain, Steve Barlow, with his Captains Jacket and Tie.



Many thanks for your support to all who attended Captains’ Day.

Winner:  Barry Rohland

2nd:  Mike Rowe

3rd:  Larry Stocker

Best Lady:  Jane Barlow

2nd:  Sue Roberts

Best Gent 0 – 15 Handicap:  Nick Millward

Best Gent 16+ Handicap:  David Houlton

Nearest the Pin 2nd hole (Ladies):  No winner

Nearest the Pin 11th hole (Ladies):  Myra Le Sage

Nearest the Pin 8th hole (Gents):  Nick Millward

Nearest the Pin 14th hole (Gents):  Andy Lowth


CAPTAIN’S BLOG 17/02/2021

Dear Members

What a year this has been, all my great plans and fund-raising ideas have had to be put on hold, good news to you members though you have managed to keep a hold on your cash.

Hopefully, I have managed to meet most of you during the year, if not I look forward to meeting you this coming year, as I have been asked to stay on as club captain for a further year.

I would like to thank all the members new and old for supporting the club in these uncertain times over the past year.

Let’s hope for a better year ahead, until we at SKGC are back up and running, stay safe and look forward to better times when we can get back on the course and play some golf

Captain Carole


CAPTAIN’S BLOG 20/12/2020

Captain Carole supplying golfers with Mince Pies & Chocolates.


Thank you to all our members here at South Kyme for the support you have given the club in this strange Covid-19 year.

Let’s hope that 2021 is a much better year.

Stay safe everyone and enjoy your golf.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all.

Club Captain,




CAPTAIN’S BLOG 12/12/2020


I have been asked to put out a message about Christmas Cards this year, with the clubhouse being closed.

Some members have decided to make donations to the Club, Seniors or Ladies Captains’ charities instead of sending cards.

We would, therefore, be grateful for any and all donations.

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy (and hopefully less restricted) New Year.




Tony Harvey

It is with  great sadness that I inform you that Tony passed  away last night losing  his fight with  Covid-19.

Tony was a past Club Captain, Rabbits Captain and a member  of the Senior  Section.

Tony’s wife has requested privacy at this sad time.

Our thoughts are with  Catrina, family and  friends.

Stay safe everyone,


CAPTAIN’S BLOG 13/09/2020

South Kyme golf club was honoured to host the Lincolnshire Union of Golf Clubs Seniors Championships on the 9th September 2020.



CAPTAIN’S BLOG 21/08/2020


Congratulations Sue Annibal on winning the Club Captain’s Day Silver Jubilee Trophy.


CAPTAIN’S BLOG 14/08/2020


What a fantastic turnout of 110 competitors.

Congratulations to Sue Annibal, winner of Captains’ Day and the Jubilee Cup, with a score of 44 points.

Many thanks to all who donated Cakes and Sausage Rolls.

The Halfway House raised £236 which is split between the Captain’s MacMillan & Parkinson’s Charities and the Lady Captain’s Electric Wheelchair for a Local Child Charity.

Hope everyone who played had an enjoyable day.

Thank you all for your support.

Carole Fewings

Club Captain



CAPTAIN’S BLOG 30/06/2020

Greetings to all of our Members at South Kyme.

Here at South Kyme we are gradually getting back to normal through what has been a shocker of a start for my year as The Club Captain. With only one week in to my year, Covid – 19 decided to come along and scupper us completely. Thankfully, it looks as though we are through the worst of the pandemic and with Lockdown rules easing; we are starting to build up the club back to be the great place that it is for us all to enjoy again.

I give a great big thank you to all of our members that have stood by us and helped us through the difficult time, and massive thanks goes out to the Greens Staff who have maintained the course during Lockdown. You are all the heartbeat of the club.

I offer a very warm welcome to all of the new members who have joined us and I hope that you are enjoying your golf on our beautiful course. You will find as we return to normal times that South Kyme is a very warm and friendly welcoming club. with the catering due to reopen, I hope that in the coming weeks I will be able to meet up with you to reinforce these words.

To one and all at SKGC Happy Golfing To You All !!

Carole Fewings

Club Captain




Today’s Tricast numbers were 3 9 8 and there were no winners or consolation prizes.

The Tricast has now been suspended until further notice.

The Captain’s Blog will resume when everything returns to normal and so will I!






Mr President, Mr Chairman, Past Captains, Ladies Captain, Members of South Kyme Golf Club.

  • I am extremely proud to stand here today as Captain of SKGC. Not only as the first Female Captain of this great Golf Club but also as one of the few ever elected in the County. Never, in my wildest dreams did I imagine when I joined in 2008 that 12 years later I would be stood here. It is a great honour and builds on my being the first Female Rabbits Captain in 2012. Many thanks to the past Captains for putting their faith in me. I hope that I will do you all proud.
  • Firstly I would like to thank outgoing Captain Ray for all his sterling work. Not only as Captain but for his work on the course. He and his merry band of men have delivered constant improvements despite the elements often being against them.
  • I would like to thank;

Cheryl and Trina for running the Half-Way-House this morning. No doubt I will be calling on you for other occasions during the year.

The Green staff for their efforts in preparing the course for today.

Pete and Martin for now and in advance as I am sure I will be pestering them over the coming months.

Steve Barlow who has agreed to be my Vice Captain. Does he know what he has let himself in for! Time will tell.

  • I intend to support two Charities this year both of which mean a lot to me and my daughters. In memory of Mick Fewings and his wife Jean. Mick was a long time member until ill health prevented him from playing. The two Charities are Macmillan’s and Parkinson’s and my Daughter Lucy is a volunteer for both. I will continue to use the 18th Bunker for Macmillan’s and have added the 14th Pond for Parkinson’s. All donations gratefully received.
  • One of my Major jobs is to relieve you of cash, so I will continue to run the Tricast to raise money for Projects. I will be looking for suggestions from you the members, where upon I will get costs associated with the suggested project, although the suggestion of a hot tub on the practice green has been refused. (Thanks John).
  • As the money roles in, there will be a thermometer to show the total monies raised so you can follow how we are progressing. Thanks in advance to my Brother Neil who will run this for me.
  • During the year I look forward to working and associating with all sections and their members within the club. If anyone in the club has any issues feel free to approach me and I will be happy to listen and chat (unless your name is Mick or Gary).

You must all be bored by now so I will finish by wishing you all a happy and successful golfing year.


Good evening everyone,

12 months have come & gone,  & unfortunately many of them with record rain fall. As I hand over the Captaincy next week this will be my last blog to you all. I would like to start by thanking all of you who have supported me in the weekly draw by religiously putting in your pounds, as you know this is split between the Captains fund & the Tricast, not only does it give you a chance to win the jackpot, it raises vital funds to be able to improve the course & the club house. I am pleased to say I have paid  out 5 Jackpots & 33 consolation prizes through out my year. I hope your next Captain “Carole” enjoys the overwhelming support I have had from many of the members, but a special thanks go to the Seniors who have a 5 day membership for their support & banter, you will now be able to walk into the club house without having to run the gauntlet, I appreciate how difficult it must have been getting past both myself & Pete Williams to pay the competition subs.  (Thanks Pete for the intensive training course on how to do it).

Todays draw pulled out the numbers 400, with no winners or consolation winners I will be passing over £68.00 to your next Captain for next weeks draw..

Many thanks once again for all your support for my year in office.

Regards, Ray.



Good morning,

sorry about the delay with yesterdays blog but the server decided to  go on strike, any way up & running this morning so here are the Tricast draw numbers. 986 were the lucky numbers but unfortunately not for many of you, however Mick Dalby had them in the correct order so wins this weeks jackpot of £120.00. Well done Mick.

Regards. Ray.


Good evening,

Todays Tricast draw numbers drawn were 392, no winners or consolation prizes.

Just think if won last week with 932 you could have had a consolation prize this week, & yes all the other numbers were in!.

Regards, Ray.


Good evening,

nearly an inch of rain again overnight so not surprised the course was closed, however with a club full of members for the annual draw, the Tricast draw took place immediately after. Todays numbers were 932 which produced no winners or consolation prizes.

Next weeks estimated jackpot should  be £75.00. Good luck.

Regards, Ray.



Good evening,

Another Sundays golf spoilt by gales, sleet & rain, I just wonder when the weather is going to pick up & let us catch up on the cancelled games. Todays £500.00 Tricast jackpot was won by Richard Attwell with 113. Well done Richard.

Regards, Ray.


Good evening,

Unfortunately 11mm of rain over a short period closed the front nine today & cancelled the medal, but on a brighter note the Sunday lunch & Tricast draw both went ahead, the numbers drawn were 495, again no winners & also no consolation winners. The jackpot rolls over to next week with an estimated £480.00 up for grabs.

Regards, Ray.




Good evening once again,

I can’t believe another week has passed already, we really are on the count down to end of my captaincy in March.  After a dry week it has to spoil itself & rained again, hopefully not to much so we can’t get out tomorrow & do some more drainage work on the course. We have a lot of clearing up to do after the trenching that has take place last week.

You just know its your day when you come in with a nett 63 & then take a consolation prize in the Captains draw, very well done Glyn Lewis, the numbers drawn were 237, no winners but sharing the consolation prize with Glyn were Tony Harvey  & D Tinkler, each receiving £10.00. The jackpot rolls over & is an estimated £440.00.

See you all next week so you can get your lucky numbers for Sunday.

Regards, Ray.



Good evening all,

Well what a difference a bit of sunshine makes, a lot of happy golfers & no grumbles, if it manages to stay like this for a few days the course should dry out a bit with all the drainage work that has taken place, yes, still a lot to do but we are getting there. The 9th fairway will be tackled tomorrow & then in front of the ladies tee on the 18th.

The Tricast draw today produced the numbers 778, no winners or consolation prizes so the estimated jackpot will be in the region of £380.00, worth having, so don’t forget to get your numbers.

Good luck.

Regards. Ray.



Good evening,

Not another good day for golf unfortunately, with another down pour last night leaving the course  a little damp in places. However no matter what the weather the  Tricast draw goes ahead. Todays numbers drawn were 812 with nobody having them in the correct order it was left up to my Vice Captain Carole Fewings to take the consolation prize of £19.00. Well done Carole.

Regards, Ray..


Good evening,

it was nice to see many smiling faces today as the weather was for once in our favour, good company & 16 holes open. It is hoped with a decent day tomorrow we will mange to finish the work on the 7th hole, which will allow all 18 to be playable again. While we are on a roll I am pleased to say the Tricast jackpot was won today with the LUCKY numbers 666, well done Nick Fewings, I can assure you Nick I wasn’t have a laugh when you asked me to put in some random numbers for your second choice. The new Jackpot stands at £290.00 so good luck. Happy New Year to you all.

Regards, Ray.



Good evening,

Firstly I must apologise for being late with my blog, as with other things, best laid plans don’t always happen. Another wet week & like most clubs in the area we have our challenges but do get a game in now & again.

The Tricast draw always take place regardless of the weather & this weeks numbers were 267, again no winners & no consolation prizes. The £500.00 rolls on for another week, so good luck with your selections.

May I take this opportunity to wish every member a Happy Christmas & a Prosperous New Year.

Regards, Ray.




Good evening once again,

After todays Christmas dinner at the club, the Tricast numbers 137 were drawn. No winners or consolation winners this week. So yet again another rollover.

Good luck to all for next weeks draw. Regards, Ray.




Good evening

Unfortunately the weather beat us again today with the loss of our Christmas Cracker competition & presentation day. However the Tricast draw went ahead as usual. 132 were the lucky numbers drawn & with no winners once again only Carl Markham came away smiling as he claimed the consolation prize of £27.00. Well done Carl. The £500.00 jackpot will roll over to next week & could possibly make a nice Christmas bonus for someone.

Good luck, Ray.



Good evening,

I can’t believe we only have this month left & another year has passed by, lets all hope 2020 will be a drier year & we can all enjoy some good golf . The Tricast  numbers drawn today were 618, no winners & no consolation prizes so the Jackpot rolls over to next week.

Good luck again, Ray.



Good evening,

well we managed to have 9 holes open for the Winter league today, & it was nice to see the club house back in use on a Sunday, & many of you subscribing to the Tricast in the hope of winning the jackpot. 968 were the lucky numbers but no ones luck was in today, so the jackpot rolls over to next week so we can all try again.

Good luck. Ray.





Good afternoon,

what a miserable wet week again, not much golf played & not many on the Tricast sheet, however the draw went ahead & the numbers drawn were 432, no winners & one consolation winner. Alister Grant receives £12.00 . Well done Alister, you are having a good run of luck these last few weeks. Don’t forget there is still a £500.00 jackpot up for grabs.

Regards, Ray.



Good evening,

the weeks seem to fly by & here we are again on another Sunday evening, although the course was closed & the Halifax Trophy competition had  been cancelled, there was a good turnout of members for the Memorial Service which took place at the new site near the Clubhouse. The Tri-cast was drawn to a conclusion today, as the reserve jackpot has reached £500.00. It took 5 attempts to draw the winning numbers which were 349 & the lucky winner was Mick Whitehouse. Well done Mick.

Don’t forget we are still drawing for £500.00 next week so get your numbers. Also please remember we have the AGM tomorrow night so if you want to know what’s going on in the Club come along & find out.

Regards, Ray.




Good afternoon,

Unfortunately only a few in the club house today owing to the bad weather yesterday, but the Tri cast draw went ahead as usual, the numbers drawn were 927. Again no winners or consolation winners. As the reserve Jackpot now stands at £500.00 the main Jackpot will be repeatedly drawn next week until we have a winner.

Good luck to all who enter.

Regards, Ray.



Good evening,

Todays Tri cast draw took place with only 3 members in the club house, due to the bad weather yesterday, 755 was drawn out with no winners or consolation winners. The jack pot rolls over once again to next week.

regards, Ray.



Good evening,

Yet another week goes by & no one wins the Jack pot. Andy Ballantyne came close but not close enough,  the winning numbers  were 192 so Andy having them in the wrong order gets a £38.00 consolation prize. Surely it must go soon, so keep getting your numbers.

Regards, Ray.


Good afternoon,

Todays Tri-Cast numbers drawn were 682, again no jackpot winner but 1 consolation prize winner. Well done John Stephenson you win £30.00. The jackpot will roll over for another week.

Regards, Ray.





Good evening all,

Tri-cast numbers drawn today were 040, no winners or consolation winners. Yet another roll over next week.

Regards. Ray


Good evening,

Todays Tri-cast draw numbers were 406, no winners but  a consolation prize goes to Mr (I never win anything, for a 2nd time) Mr Norman Beavis who receives £25.00. Well done Norman but please give someone else a chance. The £500.00 Jackpot rolls over for another week.

Regards, Ray.



Good morning,

Yesterdays Tri-cast numbers drawn were 348, again unfortunately no winners but a consolation prize of £29.00 goes to Mr John Spooner. £500.00 up for grabs again next week.

Regards, Ray.



Good morning,

Yesterdays Tri-cast numbers drawn were 278. No winners & no consolation prizes were won. Yet again the Jackpot rolls over to next week.

Regards, Ray.



Good morning,

Yesterdays Tri-cast numbers drawn were 016. Again no lucky winners but 3 consolation prizes of £9.00 each go to

S Wilcox, A Duncan & G Stanton, well done all. The Jackpot rolls over again to next week.

Regards. Ray.



Good evening.

Todays Tri-cast draw numbers were 063. We have no winners but 3 consolation prizes of £12.00 each, which go to Mike Rowe, John Barnham & Dave Holton. Well done to all. Next weeks Jackpot still rolls over for £500.00.

Regards. Ray.




Owing to the Club Championships yesterday the Tri-cast draw was poisoned until this morning, the unlucky numbers 222 were drawn out & guess what, no winners or consolation prizes.

The £500.00 Jackpot rolls over again to next week.

Regards, Ray.





Good morning,  the Tri-cast draw yesterday produced the numbers 263 with no winners or consolation winners.

Next weeks draw will be for the jackpot of £500.00

Regards, Ray.


Good evening,

today was captain’s day & what a good day I had & by the comments received so did many of you, which is what its all about. A little windy, a tiny bit of rain towards the end & a lovely halfway house put on by the Ladies Captain Myra with the aid of all the cake makers in her section & my good Lady serving the drinks. There were many winners today in all the various categories & well done to all, but todays overall winner with a magnificent hole in one in the process goes to Mrs Heather Dopierala, congratulations Heather.

The Tri-cast draw with the numbers 622 failed to produce any winners or consolation prizes today so the £500.00 jackpot rolls over to next week. Don’t forget you have to be in it to win it.

Regards, Ray.


Good morning,

Todays Tricast draw numbers were 652 with no one having them in the correct order, however J Oxby collects a £48.00 consolation prize for having the correct numbers in the wrong order. Good try but not quite good enough. The jackpot will roll over to next week with the magical £500.00 up for grabs.

Regards, Ray.


Evening all,

After heavy rain yesterday & more during the night it was good to see the course open this morning for the 4th round of the Stableford Championship. Todays winner was Daniel Holt with a great score of 43 points. Well done Daniel.

The £500.00 Jackpot was up for grabs again today with the lucky numbers being 602, this was won by Bill Cambell, who must have felt guilty walking past me yesterday on his way out & came back to put in his pound. Good move Bill & well done. The estimated Jackpot for next week is £350.00 so still worth having a go.

Regards, Ray.


Good evening,

Short & sweet tonight as time is pressing. The Tri-cast numbers in todays draw were 838, again nobody wanted to win so the £500.00 jackpot rolls over onto another week. We also had no consolation winners. Better luck next week.

Regards, Ray.



Good evening,

Once again at the click of the fingers the weekend is upon us & we were out playing in the Ted Maplethorpe Memorial Bowl, which was a Junior fund raising competition. The winner with 38 points was our last years Captain Garry Noble, well done Garry & enjoy your camping trip. (I am sure it talks of heavy rain & flash floods).

Todays tri-cast numbers drawn were 457, unfortunately no jackpot winners but we had 2 consolation prizes of £20.00 going to John Barnham & Phil Corby, so the £500.00 rolls over again to next week.

Regards, Ray.


Good afternoon,

Today was the July Monthly Medal,  playing conditions could have not been better, no wind & plenty of sunshine & a winning score of 69 by Jim McLellan. Well played Jim.

Todays tri-cast numbers drawn were 077, unfortunately no Jackpot winners or consolation winners, so the £500.00 prize rolls over to next week. Don’t forget you have to be in it to win it, so get your numbers.

Regards, Ray.




Good evening,

Todays competition was the Presidents Cup which was played in good weather but with a fresh wind, the eventual winners were the team of S Wilcox, G Houlton, D Houlton & C Fuller with a score of 110 points. We also had 7 winners of the 2s comp. C Chamberlain, A Lowth, R Mead, B Holden, C Fuller, G Houlton & B Palmer each winning£8.40.

Todays tri-cast numbers drawn were 607, no jackpot winners & no runners up, so the Jackpot remains at £500.00.

Good luck for next week.

Regards, Ray



Good evening once again, how the weeks fly by,

Thank goodness we have had a dry week & been able to catch up on the course maintenance after loosing a full week of cutting. It’s been all hands on deck & both with the ground staff & volunteers I think they have done remarkably well & deserve a big thank you. We had a busy week competition wise with the Coningsby Open & Lincolnshire V Leicester & Rutland County, I am pleased to say Lincolnshire retained the trophy.

Todays competition was the Summer Scramble won by P Marsh, A Hunt & S Smithson with a score of 73.75. Well done lads.

The tri-cast numbers drawn today were 702, no jackpot winners but 2 consolation winners, Jim Goodrum & Shirley Westlake, Shirley having changed her last number from a 4 to a 0. Both receive £22.00. Next weeks Jackpot is £500.00.

Good luck to you all.

Regards Ray.



Good evening all,

Well after a week of intense rain I am please we could go ahead with todays Pinehurst Foursomes competition, although there were a few puddles about, looking at the scores it didn’t hamper the top 3 teams very much. Winning with 42 points on countback were Mick Whitehouse & Clive Byles from the Father & Son team of Richard & Ryan Trow. Very well played.

Todays Tri-cast draw numbers were  917 again no jackpot winners & no consolation prizes this week.  lets hope we can have a winner next week, so please don’t forget your numbers

Regards Ray.




Good evening all,

Todays tri-cast draw numbers were 573, again no winners but 2 lucky consolation winners, £19.00 each to John Pearce & Mr (I never win anything) Norman Bevis. Todays winner of the 3rd round of the Stableford Comp was Andy Hunt with a very respectable score of 43 points. Well done to you all




Good afternoon all,

Todays Tri-cast draw numbers were 065, unfortunately no winners but a consolation prize of £45.00 goes to Andy Davis for having the correct numbers in the wrong order. It looks like you need be an Andy to win if the past 2 weeks are anything to go by.

Well done Andy & good luck to all for next week.



26th May 2019

Good evening all,

the 2nd round of the Stableford Championship took place today with some very good scores being returned, 1st place goes to Alex French with a magnificent score of 42 points closely followed by Phil Marsh with 41 points. well played to both of you.

Todays Tri-cast was drawn & yes we had a winner this week, Andy Hunt came up with the correct numbers 820 & is now £500.00 better off. Congratulations Andy & now you can’t moan you never win anything. The prize fund for next week will be approx. £300.00 so don’t forget your numbers.

Good luck to all.




19th May 2019.

Good afternoon all,

making up for the late post last week so a couple of hours early.

What a busy week end the Club has had. Saturday saw the Small Beers Am Am with aprox 180 members & visitors taking part in the event, weather was kind & some great scores were recorded. The winning team with 127 was Alan Wells & his water Buffalo’s winning on count back from the Dunrobsons, (not a good idea Alan pushing the Captain back into 2nd place, you could find your personal start Tee being the 4th) only joking, well played to you all. Thanks must go to all the people who made this happen, from every one in the Pro’s shop, the starters, card checkers, bookers in, green staff & volunteers, Rabbits section for providing the halfway house, the Ladies who served up all the refreshments & not forgetting all the kitchen & bar staff.

Sunday saw the Bogey Cup competition being played, the start was delayed due to poor visibility, but once underway the weather was fine & warm. Todays winner was John Stephenson with a score of +3 beating Carl Markham on count back into 2nd place. Well played  both of you. The Tri-cast draw numbers were 544, again no winners & no consolation winners so the £500.00 jackpot rolls over once again.

Good luck for next week.



13th May 2019.

Good evening all,

apologies for a late blog but wasn’t home till late last night, so straight into the Tri-cast results. 437 was the lucky numbers, again we had no winner & 2 consolation prize winners. £20.00 each to S Horne & Mark Dewhurst, well done Lads.

The £500.00 jackpot rolls over for another week.

Good luck



5th May 2019.

Good evening all,

Yet another Sunday has quickly come round & the Monthly Medal has been played, todays winners were Div 1 Cameron Chamberlain 72, Div 2 Geoff Annibal 72 & Div 3 Neil Audis 75, well played to you all.

This weeks Tri-cast numbers were 033, no winners & no consolation prizes so the £500.00 Jackpot rolls over to next week. Don’t  miss out so get your numbers either from me or in the Pro’s shop.

Good luck.



28th April 2019.

Good evening all,

Todays competition was the Wilson Scramble which was very well attended, the weather was much kinder than yesterday which reflected in the final scores. The winning team consisted of A Hunt, M Gibb & P Simmonds with a score of 64.3 it was all very close with .5 of a shot separating the top 4 places. Well done lads.

This weeks Tri-cast numbers were 209 unfortunately no winner but yet again a consolation winner, Martin Howard who wins £45.00.

Thanks to all again for taking part.



21st April 2019

Good evening all,

Today we held the 1st round of the Stableford Championship in glorious sunshine, obviously like myself, looking at the scores, some of us can’t stand the heat, unlike Dean Blair who came in with a majestic 44 points. Well done Dean.

This weeks Tri-cast numbers were 104, again no winners but 2 consolation prizes of £26.00 each go to M Walker & I Barrat, the £500 Jackpot will roll over to next week. Up to now we have paid out  a total of £179.00 in consolation prizes so its well worth having a go.

Thanks to all for taking part.



14th April 2019

Good evening all, today we held the Greensome Cup competition on a rather cold day with a refreshing wind towards the end. My congratulations go to the winners, Andy Lowth & Cam Chamberlain with a very respectable score of 67.6.

This weeks Tri-cast numbers were 430, there was no jackpot winner but we had 2 consolation winners each receiving £23.00, Mr Pete Williams & Sue Duncan. The estimated jackpot for next week will be £500.00. Thanks to all took  part.



7th April 2019

Good evening all & welcome to my 1st blog.
May I start by thanking Shawn & Gary for standing in to do the Tri-cast while I was away for the last couple of weeks.
This weeks numbers were 937, no jackpot winner, but 1 consolation winner, congratulations go to Tracey Chamberlain who receives £45.00. The Jackpot now stands at £405.00.
Today we held the April Medal & the winner was Miles Lynch with a net 71, well played Miles.
Thanks to all who took part.


31st March 2019

Hi everyone, Just a update from me on behalf of our Club Captain who will be back from his holidays this week. Last weels tricast numbers were 001, there were no Jackpot or consolation winners. This week the tricast numbers were 147, there were no Jackpot winner but there was two consolation winners, John Stephenson and des Tinks who both win £18 each.


10th March 2019

Hi everyone, My year is coming to a end and I would like to thank everyone who has contributed to the tricast, I finish today with another Jackpot winner (Dick Hayes) numbers 143 thats nine Jackpot winners overall. Thanks to the help of Martin Howard who prints the results in the club and prints the next weeks sheets, we could not do it without his support. I hand over to my Vice Captain Ray Duncan next week and I hope you support him as well as you have me. Everybody who came to my end of year party last night, I hope you enjoyed yourselves. I have had a amazing year, I would just like to finish by again thanking you all for making my year as Club Captain so enjoyable.


3rd March 2019

Hi everyone, Today was the March Medal which was won by Graham Leech with a net 66. As announced last week today`s tricast was for a jackpot of £500, I had to do six draws before I got a winner and the lucky recipient was Sue Duncan. Next week is my final tricast and once again I will continue drawing the numbers until the Jackpot is won, good luck to you all.


24th February 2019

Hi everyone, I couldn’t be there today as work finally caught up with me, so thanks to my Vice Captain Ray Duncan who did the tricast draw for me in my absence, the numbers drawn were 965 there were no jackpot winners but there were three Consolation winners Carole Fewings, Nick Fewings and Tony Gwillym each winning £15

I have two more tricast draws to do and I can announce that both of them will be guaranteed £500 winners, good luck to you all.



17th February 2019

Hi everyone, Today was a Texas scramble followed by the annual grand draw, the years membership was won by Jonny Oxby so congratulations to him. The numbers for this weeks tricast were 805. I had two consolation winners Gerry Grimshaw and Bruce Fairley who both win £26 The £500 Jackpot again rolls over to next week.


10th February 2019

Hi everyone, unfortunately the weather put paid to today`s competition, only the second time this winter we have fell foul to the weather. The tricast numbers this week were 377, there were no Jackpot winners or consolation winners so the £500 Jackpot rolls over and the back up jackpot is building nicely.


3rd February 2019

Hi everyone, a busy weekend with Rabbits Bash yesterday and the monthly Medal today which was won by Peter Coupland . On March 9th Im putting on a party to thank you all for your support during my year, tickets are available from the club shop and are free. Todays tricast numbers were 771, there were no Jackpot or consolation winners so the Jackpot of £500 rolls over to next week. 



27th January 2019

Hi everyone, Today we had the Wilson Dunhill Cup which was one by Adam Weston with a score of 66. The Tricast numbers this week were 559, I had no Jackpot or Consolation winners so the Jackpot of £500 rolls over again.


20th January 2019

Hi everyone, we woke up this morning to our first frosty sunday, the greens stood up well to the conditions for the quarter finals of the winter league. The tricast numbers this week were 515, I had no Jackpot or Consolation winners so next weeks Jackpot is £500, good luck to you all.


13th January 2019

Hi everyone, This weekend I have put up posters and tickets in the shop for a party on the 9th March, this is a thank you from me to you for your support during my year. The Tricast numbers this week were 116, there was no Jackpot winners but I had 1 consolation winner which was Helen Huthwaite who wins £45


6th January 2019

Hi everyone, Welcome to 2019, I hope you all had a great new year. Today was the January Medal which was won by Jim Garriock with a nett 72 beating Cameron Chamberlain on count back. Today the tricast numbers were 852, there were no jackpot winners or consolation winners so the jackpot climbs to £425


30th December 2018

Hi everyone, Today was a stableford competition which was won by my vice captain Ray Duncan with 42 points on countback. The Tricast numbers this week were 461, there was no Jackpot winners but I had a consolation winner, congratulations to Chris Fowell who wins £28.00 This just leaves me to wish you all a Happy New Year and see you all in 2019.


23rd December 2018

Hi everyone, Today was the annual Christmas cracker, unfortunately the weather beat us and the competition was called off after 11 holes. The presentation of the annual prizes took place in the clubhouse which was packed on this last Sunday before Christmas. The tricast numbers this week were 774, I had no Jackpot winners but one consolation winner, congratulations to Paul Hocking who won £50, this just leaves me to wish you all a merry christmas ans a Happy New Year.



16th December 2018

Hi everyone, This week was the last qualifying round of the winter league which was won by Graham and David Houghton, next week is the Christmas Cracker which looks like being a full field. The Tricast numbers this week were 990, their were no winners this week so next weeks jackpot will be over £300


9th December 2018

Hi everyone, The last couple of days has seen some heavy downpours but the course is standing up well to what is being thrown at it. Today was the 5th qualifying round of the winter league which was won by Andy Clarke & Phil Brunt with 45 points. The Tricast numbers this week were 877, there were no winners this week so the jackpot of £200 rolls over to next week.


2nd December 2018

Hi everyone, last night was the club Christmas party and a good time was had by all, today was the December medal which was won by Darren Facey with a nett 70. The tricast numbers this week were 981, their were no Jackpot or consolation winners so the Jackpot rolls over to next week.




25th November 2018

Hi everyone, despite the changeable weather conditions the course is holding up well, with the greens being very receptive. Yesterday the Rabbits had their first texas scramble and today was the latest round of the winter league, with richard Sadler and Andy ballyantine coming out victorious. Once again I have to thank everyone for their support on this weeks tricast, the winning numbers were 978, their were no jackpot winners but four consolation winners each winning £12.



18th November 2018

Hi everyone, The sunny weather continues over south Kyme if not a little cooler. Today we had the winter league round, congratulations to John Costello who had a hole in one on the 14th. The tricast numbers this week were 235 and our Lady captain Myra Le Sage was the lucky winner receiving £186.00



11th November 2018

Hi everyone, Today we had the Halifax trophy which was won by Ben Wright & Adam Weston, after the presentation of the prizes we had the memorial service down by the third green. I had a great response from you the members on the tricast this week, the winning numbers were 886, there was no jackpot or consolation winners so the jackpot rolls over to next week.



4th November 2018

Hi everyone, Today we had the November medal which was one by Tom Siswick with a 69. The weather looked like it was going to be wet but dried up just after we started. The Tricast numbers this week were 840, congratulations to Ian Barrett who wins £372. Next week sees the Halifax memorial trophy with a shotgun start, see you all next week.



28th October 2018

Hi Everyone, just a quick word this week as I have to shoot back to work, this weeks tricast numbers were 062, there were no jackpot winners but I had one consolation winner, congratulations to bill campbell who wins £46



21st October 2018

Hi everyone, Today was the start of the winter league in what was probably one of the mildest days, the sun was out shining and it was the perfect conditions to play in, the winners of the first round were Bruce Silcock and Ray Jones with a score of 59. The Tricast Jackpot of £500 was won today with the numbers 485, I had two Jackpot winners each getting £250, they were Bruce Fairley and Alan Reynolds, Next weeks jackpot will be approximately £300



14th October 2018

Hi everyone, Today was the October medal, unfortunately the weather played its part and the klaxon was sounded to bring everyone off the course, the rain looks like its in for the day. the bonus for me was a full club house which enabled me to do the tricast early, the winning numbers  were 121, there were no jackpot or consolation winners so the jackpot remains at £500




7th October 2018

Hi everyone, The weather was a bit different this weekend with the downpour on Saturday, the course dried out for the club comp followed by the Lincolnshire League Finals which South Kyme hosted. The County were very complimentary about our course and facilities which is a credit to us. The tricast numbers this week were 235 there were no Jackpot winners but there were two consolation winners in Pete Burton and Roger Mead who win £18 each, the jackpot of £500 rolls over to next week.



30th September 2018

hi everyone, The weather continues to stay dry. I have been asked to let you all know it is the intention to stay on main greens this winter. Its the Ryder Cup weekend which is getting a bit tense as I write this. today`s Tricast numbers were 280, there were no jackpot winners but I had two consolation winners Alan reynolds and Neil Jenkinson who both win £20. Next weeks jackpot is once again £500.





23th September 2018

Hi everyone, yesterday we had the Rabbits AM/AM, The team comprising myself, Roger Mead, Mick Mawson and Eric Woods were the winners with a score of 133. My A game came back for a appearance, hopefully it will hang around. Today was the Club V rabbits, but having to leave early do to work commitments ( I know your surprised but I do go sometimes) I haven’t the results of the competition. The tricast numbers this week are 067, there were no Jackpot winners or consolation winners although there was a few pretty close, the Jackpot for next week is back at £500.





16th September 2018

Hi everyone, Yesterday we had the South Kyme Masters which was won by Steve Barlow. today we had the Wilson Ryder Cup where the south beat the north 25-21. The tricast numbers drawn today were 628 I had one Jackpot winner so congratulations to Martin Howard who wins £500, next weeks Jackpot is a estimated £440




9th September 2018

Hi everyone, A full house turned out for the Twells AM/AM yesterday, the weather was a bit wet in the morning but stopped at lunchtime for my round in the afternoon. The winners were Richard Sadler, Craig Morris, Lee Marshall & Jo Foster. Today was the string challenge with a small field due to the big comp yesterday. The tricast numbers today were 915, there was no Jackpot winners but I had two consolation winners ( Elaine Sturton and Cherryl Mawson each winning £21 each, the Jackpot of £500 rolls over to next week.



2nd September 2018

Hi everyone, as we now enter autumn the weather is still in summer mode, lets hope this continues. Today we had the September medal which was won by Andy Lowth with a nett 66. The tricast was drawn this afternoon and once again I was so close to giving away £500 with John Brennan one number out 921 and Pete Zammitt 917. The winning numbers were 920, there was no Jackpot winner but I had a consolation winner in Jo Kirschner (902) who wins £47. This week sees the Twells am/am on Saturday and we have nearly a full field.




26th August 2018

hi everyone, this weekend saw our annual Club Championships, we couldn`t have had two so different days of weather, sunny on Saturday and rain today. The ladies nett champion was Sue Roberts who also won the Ladies gross Champion trophy as well. The mens  winner of the Stephenson Cup was Shane Wilcox, the division two Champion was Shawn Knaggs, the division one Champion was Cameron Catleugh. The club Champion for 2018 is Paul Russell who had to play a six hole playoff with Cameron Catleugh when they both came off the 18th all square. A big thanks to everyone involved in making this weekend a big success. The tricast was also drawn this afternoon, the winning numbers were 500, there were no winners or consolation winners so the jackpot of £500 rolls over to next week although for the third week running we had one person one number out (Martin howard 501)




19th August 2018

Hi everyone, the weather has changed to a bit cooler but is still pleasant. Today was the August medal and congratulations to Craig Morris who won with a net 68. The tricast this week for £500, the numbers drawn out were 002, unsurprisingly there were no jackpot or consolation winners so the £500 jackpot is up for grabs again next week. thank you once again for your support. Next week sees the Club Championships which are on Saturday and Sunday, good luck to you all who are taking part.




12th August 2018

Hi everyone, a big thank you from myra and myself for your support on our Captains day, we were a bit concerned about the weather but the gods were shining on us. It was a great day and the overall winner of the Captains day and the Jubilee trophy was Ryan Trow with 43 points. Thanks to our greens staff and catering staff contributed to a great day. Also cherryl Mawson and my wife Sally who helped in the halfway house and carole Fewings who helped on the raffle.My vice captain for taking out the markers and helping me with the tricast. As I announced last week, this weeks tricast was a guaranteed jackpot of £500 so congratulations to Jeff Stanford who was the winner with the numbers 120, but don`t despair there is another £500 up for grabs this week. I thank you all for your generous support .




5th august 2018

Hi everyone, another scorching week we have had and the course is holding up well. Today we had the pleasure of hosting the county fixture of Lincolnshire v Cambridgeshire, this turned out to be a highly competitive match with Lincolnshire winning with the last game on the 18th hole coming out 6.5 to 5.5. My tricast was also drawn today, the winning numbers were 674, there was no jackpot winners but I had a consolation winner, so congratulations to Greame Campbell who wins £38. This means that the reserve jackpot has now reached its maximum so the draw on Captains Day means we will keep drawing the numbers until we get a £500 jackpot winner, so good luck to you all.




29th July 2018

hi everyone, a bit of a change in the weather today, a bit of rain and a strong wind blowing around the course. Congratulations to Steve Horne who won the fourth round of the club stableford competition with 37 points. The tricast numbers today were 068, there were no winners so the jackpot of £500 rolls over to next week. Dont forget the county fixture is on next Sunday so get in early for your chance to win. The sheet for Captains day is filling up nicely and it would be great to see you all there.



22nd July 2018

Good afternoon everyone, not a lot to report this week as work is getting in the way. The tricast drawn today was 618, there were no jackpot or consolation winners so the Jackpot remains at £500, good luck to you all.



15th July 2018

Good afternoon everyone, The lovely sunshine continues, Friday we had the Billinghay Day with Steve Barlow the winner with 45 points. Saturday was the Rabbits Bash with a great round by myself scoring 48 points and a three shot cut. Today The competition was the Ted Maplethorpe Memorial Bowl which was won by Adam Weston with 40 points. The tricast was drawn this afternoon and the winning numbers were 197, we had a unlucky member with 196 but a consolation winner Jodi Kirschner who won £54. The jackpot of £500 rolls over to next week,once again tremendous support from you the members, thank you.




8th July 2018

Good afternoon everyone, The scorching weather continues and today`s event was the Presidents Cup, this was one by the fourball containing Derek Llewellyn, Lee Llewellyn, Rich Remmer and Harry Thompson who came in with 110 stableford points. Today saw the first guaranteed winner of my tricast and congratulations to Graeme Houlton who won £500. The winning numbers were 595. There is another £500 up for grabs next week, so good luck to you all.



1st July 2018

Good afternoon everyone, The warm weather continues and there was another good turnout for todays medal for both Men and Ladies, there is a busy week ahead with the Senior Captains away day tomorrow and ending with the President`s Cup on next Sunday.The tricast numbers this week were 999, there was no Jackpot winners or consolation winners, this means next Sunday there will be a guaranteed winner,The reserve jackpot is now at £500 so I will keep drawing the numbers until I get a winner, good luck to you all.  




24th June 2018

Good evening everyone, we couldnt have had a better weekend with the sun shining on us, the rabbits celebrated there 20th anniversary on saturday with a competition followed by a barbecue, it was good to see so many people past and present attending. Today was a scramble competition followed by the England game on in the clubhouse, a great 6-1 win for us. Todays tricast was drawn with the numbers 919, there were no jackpot winners and if there are no winners next weekend the weekend of the Presidents cup there will be a continuous draw until we get a winner guaranteeing someone would walk away with £500.




17th June 2018

Good afternoon everyone and a happy Fathers day to all dads. Well done to Brian Holden and Sean Baumber who won today`s competition with 50 points. Today`s tricast draw produced the numbers 333, there were no winners today and if this continues its likely that the presidents cup weekend will produce a guaranteed winner as the reserve jackpot is getting close to the maximum, good luck to you all.



10th June 2018

Hi everyone, A nice day for round 3 of the Stableford Champs, congratulations to Pete Burton who won today with 39 points, he his also leading the comp with the best two scores so far and a two shot cut for his troubles. Another good week on the tricast, thanks to everyone who supported it, the winning numbers were 700. There were no winners this week, but i`m getting close to a reserve jackpot which will mean I will keep drawing that particular week until somebody wins, I will keep you informed if the situation arises.





3rd June 2018

Hi everyone, A contrasting weekend with the weather, on Friday it was the Chris Curtis charity day superbly organised by Alan Wells which raised £ 4,375 for the Willow Foundation. On Saturday the Rabbits AM/AM should have taken place but just as it was about to start the heavens opened and dropped a ocean load on the course, this will now take place on the 22nd September 2018. Today was the June medal which had to be a non- qualifier as the bunkers were still full from yesterday, congratulations to Darren Facey with a superb 66, the division three winner also had a good day but modesty prevents me from naming him. Once again I have to thank all you members who took part in my tricast this week, the winning numbers were 685, as there was no jackpot winners the jackpot of £500 rolls over to next week. two people came very close with 687 & 689, Good luck to all participants in this weeks draw.




27th May 2018

Hi everyone, I hope you have had a great weekend of golf, unfortunately I have had to work this weekend so thanks to Ray who did the draw for my tricast today. The numbers drawn were 907, there were no Jackpot winners or consolation winners so the Jackpot remains at £500, good luck to you all this week.



20th May 2018

Hi everyone, what a great weekend of golf we have had, the small beer am/am on Saturday had virtually a full field, the course was in great condition due to the hard work of our greens staff, this competition couldn’t run without the army of helpers who gave up their time so thank you to you all. Thanks to everyone who entered the raffle raising a magnificent £706 to my project fund. Today saw us play the bogey cup on another perfect day. Another good response to the captains tricast , the winning numbers were 917, their were no jackpot winners but one consolation winner winning £54, well done Sue Annible.



13th May 2018

Hi everyone, Today the weather was totally in our favour despite what the weather forecast said, the competition today was the team trophy and congratulations to Phil Marsh, Richard and Ryan trow who were today`s winners. Another good response to the tricast this week, the winning numbers were 767, there were no jackpot winners or consolation winners so the jackpot next week stands at £500, good look to you all. This Saturday sees the first of our AM/AM competitions, there are a few spaces left if you want to put a team in, see you all next week.



6th May 2018

Hi everyone, the weekend we have been waiting for, glorious sunshine on a medal Sunday, congratulations to Paul Simmonds who won the May medal. Once again I have to thank everyone who entered the tricast this week, the winning numbers were 984, there were no jackpot winners but there were three consolation winners , Geoff Annible and Jim Lee twice, the rollover jackpot now stands at £443.00 getting close to the magic £500 figure good luck to you all next week.




29th April 2018

Hi Everyone, Despite another dose of rain on Saturday, the course managed to be playable for today`s Texas scramble which was won by a great team effort from myself, Ryan Trow and Craig Morris, thanks to Ryan , Craig and myself played from positions we had never been in before, going for the par 5 greens in two, and birdies on all of them. The tricast drawn this afternoon produced the numbers 514, there were no jackpot winners or consolation winners so the jackpot rolls over to next weekend when it will be £396.00



22nd April 2018

Hi Everyone, Despite a drop of rain overnight the course stood up well to it, we had the first round of the stableford championship today with a good field playing. again I have to thank you the members for supporting the tricast, the winning numbers this week were 453 There were no jackpot winners this week so it rolls over to £320.00 next week, I did have two consolation winners and they win £20 each, so congratulations to Alan Reynolds and Brian holden.


15th April 2018

Hi everyone, today we had the greensomes cup, the weather stayed kind to us and we managed to have 18 holes open. Hopefully the weather looks good for the coming week and the course will dry out. Another good week of support from you the members on the tricast, the winning numbers were 236, there was no jackpot winners but there were two consolation winners each winning £22, so congratulations to Rae Munks and Steve Horne.


8th April 2018

Hi everyone, this has been a hectic weekend, finally we managed to do my drive in, thanks to everyone who supported my day and a special thanks to the green keeping staff who worked so hard to get the course ready for play. Sunday we had the lombard trophy and after that I did this weeks tricast draw, the numbers were 945, there were quite a few people all around those numbers but no jackpot winner or consolation prizes either, next weeks jackpot rolls over to £232.00. Thank you all for your support, it was a great effort this week.

1st April 2018

Hi everyone, the weather has put paid to the medal today, but thanks to everyone who entered the tricast this week. The numbers drawn were 393, there were no jackpot winners or consolation winners so the jackpot of £139 rolls over to next week.

25th March 2018

Hi everyone, thanks to everyone who entered the tricast. Thanks to Ray who did the draw in my absence, the numbers drawn were 492, there were no jackpot winners or consolation winners last week so the jackpot rolls over to this week.

Gary Noble Club Captain