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Ladies Captain’s Blog

By April 20, 2020April 27th, 2024No Comments

27th April 2024

Here we are for my second blog. Things are starting to pick up now with the advent of some drier weather. All holes open, regular greens in use, and a modicum of run on the ball. I’m delighted to report that the lady who recently enquired about South Kyme has decided to join us. A warm welcome, we’re glad to have you aboard.

Our Matches calendar has had a less than auspicious start with two losses out of two. Our first match was our annual fixture against the Seniors, always fiercely contested for the opportunity to have bragging rights for the rest of the year. It was a close run thing this year, sadly with the Seniors coming out on top 3.5 – 2.5. We’ll get them next year!

Our second match was a League fixture against Carholme (Away). With only able to field a team of six players (we needed eight), and unable to reschedule the fixture, we were up against it from the outset. Unfortunately, we came second best with a result of 3-1. We look forward to our return match next month when we should be able to put out a full team.

We continue to be a small but enthusiastic band of ladies, always looking to welcome new members to our club. You’ll be in very good company,


17th March 2024

Hello ladies,

Here is my first blog as your incoming Captain for 2024; in fact, this is my first ever blog, a somewhat amazing experience as an obstinate technophobe. As you know, our weather since November has been particularly inclement and our fixtures have been severely impacted.  Despite crossed fingers and several sun dances, my Captain’s Drive-in was reduced to nine holes, many thanks to those who signed up and supported me on the day.

Our calendar for the coming year is, once again brimming with fixtures to suit all abilities, from matches, both friendly, League and Mixed, medals, Stablefords, trophy competitions and fun events on our roll-up days. I look forward to seeing you out on the fairways over the coming months.

My chosen charity for this year is the Alzheimer’s Society. Both mine and husband Paul’s families have been ravaged by this disease, so it is particularly close to our hearts. Thanks to the generosity of the ladies at my Drive-in £42 was raised to kick start my charity fund.

We have had new ladies join us recently, with enquiries from another, which is excellent news. Welcome to you all.

South Kyme hold a quiz night once a month (except for July, August and December) based on the children’s quiz Blockbusters. It’s a great night with dining available, lots of banter and money to be won. Our new Social Manager and Catering Manager both have excellent ideas for evening functions designed to raise the profile of the club and increase footfall. Details of these events can be found by contacting the club.

Watch this space for further blogs as my year progresses.


Welcome to my second blog ladies. I see I have a lot of catching up to do to beat Senior’s Capt Mr Bustin, who is all over it. But then again, he is a gentleman of leisure!

I wanted to touch base now that our golf has resumed in earnest and tell you some important news items:

Our ladies medal competitions begin on Sunday July 5th and again on the 7th; singles knockout for the Clifton trophy and mixed knockout for the Joyce Hill trophy matches have begun and we have the upcoming Cook Shield, Rabbits &Hares bash,  July monthly stableford and the Saturday swings.

I am trying to reinstate some of our friendly matches and the first has been arranged for Wednesday July 22nd – away at Gedney Hill, 11am tee off. A team of 8 ladies is required and these friendly matches are a great way of playing different courses in a slightly less competitive manner than the league matches (though we still like winning of course!) I hope those who have joined South Kyme in the previous 12 months or so will put their names down, as you are more than welcome!

I hope that everyone has got to grips with the tee booking system and the new changes this last week to block off slots if you are playing a match or want to play alone or with your chosen buddies. Many things have changed since lockdown and one of these is how we utilise our tee slots on Tuesdays, especially when there is a medal/stableford or other competition. You will need to book in and Sue Roberts needs to know a rough number of players. There are some ladies who do not like the added pressure of a competition but want to be part of our day. We (or should I say Sue) are trying to also work out about payment and/or refunds if a lady does not want to play the comp.

If you are going to use the clubhouse from Saturday to eat, drink and be merry, plus socialise with friends old and new, please be advised that it is a one way system. Access to our changing rooms (to use the loo only) is via the main front door, with exit via the back door. The bar is the same, with exit via the door near the TV and the dining area exit is via the back door in the far corner. I shed blood, sweat and tears assisting Gary Noble yesterday to get all the signage up. I’m afraid we have had to utilise both ladies and gents changing areas to store excess furniture but it won’t be forever.

The ladies section donated £500 to the greens committee to purchase new grass cutting equipment. The greens staff have done an excellent job in maintaining the course and the greens are looking fantastic. A heartfelt thank you to all.

I look forward to playing with all of you in the coming months and let’s hope there will be no second wave of COVID.


Captain’s log, Stardate May 1st 2020. Oops, meant to say Captain’s blog!

Well ladies, slowly but surely, I am being dragged into the 21st Century with technology!

It certainly feels like we are in another dimension and I, like you, are chomping at the bit to get back onto our beloved golf course. I am getting fed up doing the patio now but it does look like a new patio has been laid, although I have worn out half a dozen wire brushes!

However, it looks like our new normal for a while will be playing in small numbers with no get together in the clubhouse. With that in mind, I wanted to introduce you to my chosen charity this year, though how it will work in theory is unclear at this stage.

This year, rather than go for one of the many excellent well known charities, which many of us probably support anyway, I have decided to do something a little different.

I will endeavour to raise funds to purchase a powered electric wheelchair for a severely disabled local child.

Each year, thousands of children are born with disabilities that severely affect their mobility. This can cause real limits on their quality of life, which can be dramatically improved by using a modern powered wheelchair, giving them freedom and mobility to gain a degree of independence.

Unfortunately, the State does not offer most children the type of chair they need and the cost is often out of reach for their parents. These wheelchairs can make a huge difference to their lives and I hope you will agree that it is a good cause.

I want it to be for a child as close to South Kyme as possible and the child would receive his or her chair at the club.

I have spoken to all local schools and was not getting very far, until one signposted me to the Lincoln school where most go. I had some productive chats with the Headteacher………but then schools were shut with Covid. I hope to speak to her soon but in the meantime, if any of you know of a child who might benefit, please get in touch with me.

Until we meet again and we WILL, stay safe.

Last but not least – quote of the day: Serenity is not freedom from the storm, but peace amid the storm.

Kind regards, Paula